Great meeting with Shiquan all the way from Beijing!
Bevel Gardner attended the 100th Forensic Meeting of The International Association for Identification in Sacramento, CA as a vendor and sponsor on August 3-5, 2015.
Tom and Grif participated in two live Podcasts to a large audience of forensic students and law enforcement investigators, where they explained what serviced BGA offers as well discussing the training, certification and proficiency testing provided by the experts at Bevel Garnder.
Liz provided the primary coverage at the vendor booth visiting with attendees from six countries. BGA received requests to send training proposals to China and British Columbia, Canada along with invitations to be a vendor at several state IAI conferences.
The Murray’s, Jim and Candy, put together a museum quality history display of The IAI’s activities over the last 100 years. Each year had a colorful floor to ceiling panel noting where the conference was held. One IAI Conference that I did not know about was held in Cuba, obviously prior to the political stalemate between the U.S. and Cuba.
A section was devoted to each of the disciplines that are certified by The IAI to include Bloodstain Pattern Analysts and Crime Scene Analysts.
The Crime Scene Certification Board (CSCB) has begun making changes in the Crime Scene Reconstructionist (CSR) recertification program. Those applying for recertification will receive a "case packet" consisting of reports (scene, forensic, autopsy), photographs, and diagrams for which they will do a reconstruction. The test will have 20 multiple choice questions about the case. A passing score is 75% which is in line with other scene certification tests. At the CSCB panel discussion on Wednesday during the IAI meeting, the board announced it is in the process of making changes in the practical portion of the existing certification test as well as reviewing different texts for test questions. The CSCB will be continuing to work on the CSR program between now and the mid-year IAI meeting.
The CSCB had a busy week meeting all day Saturday (August 1), Sunday, Monday afternoon, had the panel discussion Wednesday morning, and spent most of Thursday (August 6) working as well. This kept Grif busy as he is a member of the CSCB.
BGA signed up to be a vendor and sponsor for the 101 IAI Conference to be held in Cincinnati in the same month in 2016. Hope to see a lot of you there.