BGA has published many books and articles including Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction, and Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, With an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, 3rd Ed.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, With an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, 3rd Ed.
This is Tom and Ross's primary bloodstain reference. The 3rd Edition was published in 2008. This text is one of several study references used by the IAI for the Bloodstain Pattern Examiner certification program.
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Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction
Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction
This is Ross and Tom’s newest book. It details both the theoretical basis and a practical approach to crime scene analysis. It defines and explains in depth the methodology known as Event Analysis. Invited authors include Iris Dalley, Matt Noedel and Dr. Scott Wagner.
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Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
This is Ross' reference on crime scene processing. Published in 2004 it is a reference written by a crime scene investigator for crime scene investigators. This book is a primary reference used in the IAI Crime Scene Certification program.
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A Special Type of Bloodstain; Haberda; 1914
A Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence extract; Glaiser; 1902
About Bloodtracks - English; Gross; 1924
About Bloodtracks; Gross; 1901
Absence of Evidence; McDonnell Kish; 1996
Abstract Art or Hardcore Evidence Bloodstains; Messer; 1997
Arterial-Expiratory Mechanisms; James, Kish & Sutton; 2003
Backspatter in Gunshot Wounds; Boyd Allen; 1983
Ballistic Trajectories of Blood; Carter; 1990
Blood Droplet Dynamics I; Pizzola et al.; 1986
Blood Droplet Dynamics II; Pizzola et al.; 1986
Blood Dynamics I AI Presentation; Gardner; 1991
Blood Pattern Interpretation; OFCS; 1987
Blood Splatter 2; Van Netten, Dewey; 1997
Blood Tracks in the Criminology Practice; Hesselink; 1931
Bloodprints with Amido and Digital Imaging; Warrick; 2000
Bloodspatter Analysis; Sutton; 1994
Bloodspatter Classification; Laber; 1985
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis; Garrison; 2005
Bloodstain Pattern Documentation; Wolson; 1992
Bloodstain Patterns on Fabrics; White; 1986
Bloodstain Prints in Practice of Technology; Radzicki; 1960
Bloodstains on Fabric; Slemko; 1999
Bloodstains (German); Wilhelm; 1947
Blood Volume Estimation; Lee et al.; 1986
Bloody Footprints - Size; Cresap; 1998
BPA Bibliography; 2003
BPA Demonstrative Aid; Moore; 2003
BPA Reports; Gardner; 2006
BPA Terminology; IABPA; 2004
BPA with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, 2nd ed. Review; Bratton; 2002
BPA with a Scientific Calculator; Carter, Podworny; 1990
Capillary Distortion Analysis; Anderson
Collection of Bloodstained Sheetrock; Christman; 1993
Columbia, MO Singer on the Down cast-off; IABPA; 2004
Computer Aided Analysis; Gardner; 1995
Computer Modeling of Trajectories of Blood; Podworny, Carter; 1989
Computerized BPA Circa 1987; Schuessler; 1987
Considerations in Crime Scene Analysis; Gardner; 1994
Creating a Bloodstain Generator; Kohne; 2001
Deciphering Bloody Imprints; Doherty, Mooney; 1990
Deducing Size and Impact Velocity; Hulse, Smith et al.; 2005
Deformation of Droplets Created by Impact; Gardner; 1998
Detecting Bloodstain with Luminol; Hetzel; 1991
Detection of Blood in Firearms; MacDonell; 1977
Diameter of Drops Distance Fallen; Laber;1985
Directional Analysis of Bloodstain Patterns; Carter; 2001
Directionality in Swipe Patterns; Gardner; 2002
Distribution of Fly Spots; Barksdale, Benecke; 2003
Documentation of Bloodstain Pattern Evidence; Wolson; 1995
Dr. Gohringer Bio - History; MacDonell; 1999
Effect of Air Current on Spatter; Kohnend
Effects of Enhancement on DNA; Fregeau et al.; 2002
Effects of Fingerprinting on DNA; Elliot et al.; 1994
Enhancement of Blood Print (Phloxine B); Fischer; 1984
Enhancement of Bloodstains on Washed Clothing Using Luminol and LCV Reagents; Adair,
Shaw; 2005
Errors in Impact Angle Using a Protractor; Templeman; 1990
Estimating Blood Volume; Bartz; 2003
Estimation of Original Volume of Bloodstains; Lee; 1986
Evidence Technology Magazine - Bloodstain-Pattern Analysis; Garrison; 2005
Examination of Blood Tracks; Ziemke1; 914
Examination of Bloody Clothing; Epstein; 1992
Expirated Bloodstain Patterns; Christman; 1991
Extreme Temp Effects; Brady, Tigmo, Grant; 2002
False Wave Cast Off; Adair; 1998
FBI Examiner Training Program; FBI; 2004
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin; FBI1; 983
FBI Procedures for BPA; FBI; 2004
FDLE Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Research Group; Parker, Bedore, Cooper et al.; 1982
Fill Flash Photography of Luminol; Gerneno, Rini; 1989
Fingerprint or Blood; Huss, Chisum, Clark; 2000
Fire Effects; Tomash; 1994
Fluorescein as a Field Worthy Tech; Cheesman, Dimeao; 1995
Fluorescein-Bloody Fingerprints; Rossi; 2001
FM 19-20 War Department Field Manual; US Army; 1945
Geometric Bloodstain Interpretation - FBI Bulletin; Bevel; 1983
Geometric Bloodstain Interpretation - Peace Office; Bevel; 1980
High Speed Cinematography of Blood Droplet Deformation in Flight; Raymon; dnd
Household Products as Contaminants; Davis, Mays; 1996
IABPA Charter Members; IABPA1; 983
IABPA Stain Measuring Survey; Latumus; 1991
IABPA Terminology; IABPA; 1996
IABPA Education; IABPA
IACP Training Key 86; IACP; 1967
IAI Terminology Report; IAI; 1994
Identification News: Institute on the Physical Signficance of Bloodstain Evidence; MacDonell; 1973
Improving Griess on Bloody Garments; Haag; 1991
Infrared Photography in Bloodstain Pattern Documentation; Perkins; 2005
Intermittent Projected Bloodstains;Barnes; 1998
Investigation of Blood on Iron and Steel; Lassiagne; 1856
Kirk Affadavit - Shepherd Case; Kirk; 1955
Les Homicides (French); Bischoff; 1938
Luminol Photography; Mosher, Engels; 1994
Luminol: The Next GenerationCourtney et al.1996
Luminol: What's Glowing On; Perkins; 1991
Math of the Ellipse; Chafe; 2003
Math Proof for Sine Function ;Carter; 1997
Measuring Small Droplets; MacDonell, Lige; 1990
Medical Jurisprudence - Bloodstains; Hartshorne; 1856
Modelling Impact Spatter; Gardner; 1991
No More Strings, No More Computers; MacDonell; 1996
Observations of High Velocity Spatter;Pex, Vaughan; 1987
Out on a Tangent; Griffin, Anderson; 1993
Pig Blood Alternative Abstract Only; Raymond, Smith;1996
Preserving Bloodstain Evidence; MacDonell; 1977
Probing Clues From Stain Patterns; Graham; 2004
Reconstructions from Bloodstains; Raymond; 1997
Research on Blood Spatter; Balthazard et al.; 1939
Role of Logic in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis; Gardner; 1992
Science in BPA;Bernstein; 2006
Scientific Techniques of Investigation; Reiss; 1912
Segments of History - The Literature of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation - Segment 00: Through
the 1800's; MacDonell; 1992
Segments of History - The Literature of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation - Segment 01:1901-1910;MacDonell; 1992
Segments of History - The Literature of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation - Segment 02: 1911-1920;MacDonell; 1993
Segments of History - The Literature of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation - Segment 03: 1921-1930; MacDonell; 1994
Self Wounding in Knife Attacks; Varnon et al.; 1995
Sequencing Bloody Shoemarks; Hurley, Pex; 1990
Stop Motion Photography of Blood; Bevel, Conn; 1987
Study to Compare Animal and Human Blood; Christman; 1997
Target Surface in BPS; Adair, Gallardo; 1999
The Use and Limitations of Luminol in BPA; Pex; 2005
Ultraviolet Light and Bloodstain Analysis; Findley; 1996
Uncertainty in the Estimated Angles of Impact of Freely Falling Blood Drops; McGuire
American Academy of Applied Forensics
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction
BGA Forensic Proficiency Testing
CRC Press
International Association for Identification
International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
Southern Police Institute