
Blood Stain Pattern Analysis - Fabric

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Blood Stain Pattern Analysis - Fabric



  • A basic level Bloodstain Pattern Analysis course.

  • Students are required to bring a camera (if multiple students are attending from the same organization, there must be at least 1 camera per four students).

  • A tripod and off camera flash is suggested.


A wide variety of objects bloodied in violent crime scenes involve fabrics.  Fabrics as a substrate are complex and often effectively limit the conclusions offered by an analyst. Understanding those limitations is important when fabrics are encountered.

This is a course of instruction designed for individuals trained in basic bloodstain pattern analysis and engaging in bloodstain pattern investigations.


The course is intended to develop a fundamental knowledge of the limitations imposed on bloodstain pattern analysis when confronted with clothing, fabric and textiles. 

The course will provide a refresher on the three basic principles of bloodstain pattern analysis: pattern diversity, stain shape and vector correlation, and the physically altered bloodstain.  It will provide a refresher on articulable criteria which ensure objective classifications as well as basic methodology and documentation employed in BPA.  Students will be introduced to the various limitations created by fabric and clothing substrates and will engage in various experiments to enhance the student’s understanding of how these limitations affect BPA.  Additionally students will evaluate a variety of clothing-based bloodstain scenarios and utilize their new gained knowledge offer conclusions to those scenarios.


  • Recognize and describe the utilization of bloodstain pattern analysis in investigations and its inherent limitations.

  • Identify key bloodstain patterns utilizing articulable criteria and demonstrate the ability to recognize them on a fabric substrate within the limitations imposed by fabric substrate.

  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate bloodstained clothing/fabrics within the limitations imposed by fabric substrates.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic BPA methodology and the apply the scientific method to evaluating bloodstain patterns on fabric substrates.

  • Demonstrate the ability to apply the road-mapping method of documentation to fabric/clothing items. 

  • Demonstrate the ability to operate in a biohazard environment.

A 3% credit card processing fee is associated with this online purchase. If you would send a check, below is the downloadable form to fill out and submit via mail.

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